Rabu, 23 September 2009

Breaking news: Super puma crash in Bogor 4 Soldiers die

Another RI Military Airplane crash. Super Puma Helicopter crashed in Bogor, four dead.
Another Republic of Indonesia (RI) Military airplane crash today. Helicopter type of Super Puma SA 330 belong to the Indonesian Air Force was crashed in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, today, at 14.10 local times, Friday, June 12, 2009. Four passenger of Helicopter, including Pilot Major Sobic Fanani, co pilot Lieutenant Wisnu and two Helicopter technicians Serka Catur and Sertu Dodi, all members of Indonesian Air Force were dead on the crash.
Indonesian Air Force Speaker Marsma Bambang Sulistyo said that the Helicopter registered number H 3306 was doing a flying practice close to the Atang Sanjaya Air Force Airport, Bogor, and West Java. Catur and Dodi were passing a way in the crashed location, and Pilot Sobic and Co Pilot Wisno were passing away later in 16.30 local times in Atang Sanjaya Hospital.
There are seven passengers in the Helicopters, three others passenger Letda Ronny, Serka Efran, and Serka Ferdinand are still taking care in Atang Sanjaya Hospital, Bogor.

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